Independent Nobody
The Girls Room
Featured Bands
Street Teams
Contest of the month

Well, Hey, Hello, Hi.
I am a very friendly person. I enjoy listening to music and creating music. Right now I am printing out flyers.Fun? Hell Yeah! I love it! Helping my friends out is the best thing ever. I do this for enjoyment not because I am desperate need of money!
If you know any friends who are in a band you should definetly tell them about what I do. I take a lot of the pressure off there shoulders and since I know all the record labels they have a bigger chance of getting signed!So, in the end it all turns out well!
Alexzaia XZA Fields

Name: XZA
From: My mother and my daddy
Lives: In a house but I am spending plenty of time in NIKI's bedroom
Talents: Singing, danceing, guitar, acting, and talking
Pet peeves: Alarm clocks and messy places(NIKI's bedroom and page)
Enjoys: Sleeping, music, boyz, and intresting people
Faveorite bands: NOFX, the vandals, slayer, rancid, misfits, fourgoten sons, and contortion
Family: Gordo 4 turning 5 in September
Faveorite animal: Kitty
Faveorite bath toy: Loufa

Note: I am the owner of Independent Nobody. I started this to help my friends out and all the bands I have helped have accomplished a great deal. Myself and Niki now run Independent Nobody and we would love to help you.
